Thursday, October 31, 2019

Ploicy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Ploicy - Research Paper Example icial system and based on constitution that is intended for public good while a policy is set up by policy markers that must be in accordance with the law and intended for all organizations. The increasing use of IT in any organizations had widespread the free access of private information to the unauthorized. To assess the company’s unauthorized computer network is sometimes valid and sometimes not as authorities do not deal with it as such; however, assessing another personnel file is another story because these are usually dealt as private company records. Almost every state in the United States and all parts of the world viewed this unauthorized use as a criminal act, but in California â€Å"an employee might use an employer’s computer service for his or her own purpose without permission if no damage is caused and if the value of supplies and computer services does not exceed $100† (Oz 429). However, such exception is considered morally incorrect if the company itself expressly imposed a policy against such activity. To provide employees with clear guidelines, employers have developed a privacy policy posted in any conspicuous locations for emp loyee notifications and they are requested to sign as a proof that they are being informed. The policy states that â€Å"access or use of any equipment or data unless such access is work-related and required to fulfill that employees’ duties, or alter, damage, or destroy any company data or documentation† is forbidden, and anyone who violated this policy is considered to be criminally liable (Oz 429). This policy is a reminder that the company / customers / employees have their right to reckon their private files to be left confidential. Every company wanted to provide their customers a high work standard and keep their workplace safe, comfortable, and productive that is why it does not tolerate abusive used of alcohol and drugs among its employees. They are true anymore with the risk and liabilities brought by

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Workplace simulation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Workplace simulation - Essay Example The company prides itself on having a large customer base and manufacturing plants in China, San Jose, Georgia and Michigan. This expansion and apparent success may be attributed to the organizations commitment to R&D, customer satisfaction, quality management, employee satisfaction and clear vision of the future. This is clear from the company's mission statements. However, to further enhance and maintain this success Riordan Manufacturing Inc. intends to take advantage of more sophisticated, state of the art information systems technology into its HR department. This is successfully achieved if the right information is gathered to determine what is technology would best enhance the achievement of company's mission. Before Riordan manufacturing embarks on this major project, it has to ensure that enough information is gathered from all stakeholders and beneficiaries of the project in order to make a well thought out and informed decision. Techniques of gathering information include; questionnaire, internet research, surveys, interview and prototyping (experiments) For this project to be feasible, I would propose HRIS. An online solution facilitates data entry, data tracking, and information needs of the Human Resource (Susan M. Health field). This is because, Riordan manufacturers Inc. ... So how does HRIS enable this A good HRIS is capable of managing employee's information such as benefits calculation and updating, payroll administration resume processing and management, analyzing employee information and so on. The advantage with this system is that it frees the employee's time of petty destructions and enables them focus on more strategic functions in the company. To the managers it provides them with relevant information regarding the employees, which enable them give legal or ethical support to its employees. This is inline with Riordan Inc mission thus a great asset. (Reh, 2001) HRMS are form of human resource information systems, which facilitate the administration tasks, and processes employees information right from employment to the time they exit the organization companies like spectrum HRS Corporation offers particularly good packages for this systems. The benefit of this state of the Art solution is that it will reduce administrative cost, and increase pr ofitability. Riordan manufacturing future goal is to achieve and maintain reasonable profitability and ensure financial and human capital is available for sustainable growth. I feel that installing a HRMS would greatly contribute to this end. Not only will a HRMS reduce costs it has an automated feature that instantly analyses and provides reports and reduces paper work. In addition a HRMs provides a centralized information source thorough which the organization intranet and extranets provide access to the centralized information server. The benefit of this is that the employees and managers morale boosted and adequate time left for HR managers to focus on more important issues that need hands-on approach. The company

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Identifying Gifted And Talented Children Education Essay

Identifying Gifted And Talented Children Education Essay The term gifted and talented is surrounded with a great deal of controversy, and is currently under review by the Coalition Government. A vast amount of research has been undertaken over the last ten years, into the long-term, emotional effects of labelling a child, and the practitioners role in identifying a child and differentiating the curriculum. Directgov (2010), currently defines gifted as one who excels in academic subjects such as maths and English, and talented as those who possess skills in practical areas such as sport and music. Pound (2008), discusses how Gardners theory revolves around eight intelligences. Gardner believes that each individual possesses his or her own unique combination of intelligences, which he calls multiple intelligences, which can be enhanced and enriched in an environment which provides stimulating and challenging activities. Teaching, through Gardners theory enables the practitioner to bring out a gifted and talented childs advanced natural talents, in a challenging way. (Conklin 2007) Gardners multiple intelligence theory and the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), are mutually supportive. Both emphasise individuality and uniqueness. The DCSF (2008), asserts that every area of development is equally important, and that no child should face discrimination. The DCSF (2008) also explains that the early learning goals give practitioners scope to identify and plan for all children across the developmental continuum. It follows that practitioners must identify childrens needs and build on their strengths. Freeman (1991) advocates that the child who is as bright as a button, and maintains their enthusiasm for learning is more likely to make a positive contribution to society. The EYFS has been condemned by the Open Eye Campaign (2007) who claim that it is overly prescriptive and potentially harmful to development, and that many of its goals are developmentally inappropriate. In comparison to the EYFS the Key Stage One is more academically biased. The Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted)(2007), reported that two thirds of Year One teachers did not use the information gained from the EYFS to inform practice and planning. Consequently, many talented children may be over looked. Palaiologou (2010), discusses Gardners view that education should be less academically driven and his five minds theory. This focuses on an individuals ability to sort useful and relevant information in any given situation, how to think outside of the box, and to understand diversity, citizenship and community relationships in both the immediate and wider environment. He referred to these as modern day talents. It is the role of the practitioner to identify and differentiate the curriculum to develop gifted and talented individuals. Failing to do this could have a negative impact on the child. A child may easily lose interest and misbehave when presented with unchallenging tasks. Freeman (2009), questions how a reception class teacher copes with a child who is working at a higher level than their peers. She writes that children should not be left to wait while others catch up, and believes that this is where boredom begins, this can result in a child disengaging from learning. Quart (2006) agrees with this fact and believes that there should be more funding available to train practitioners in the assessment of and teaching techniques for gifted and talented pupils. Freeman (2010a) states that successful and happy children need consistent. Freemans research revealed that discovered that children who were identified as gifted and talented in one school would in fact be below average in anothe r. Often practitioners mistakenly identified a child as gifted and talented. She later states that through analysis of collected data she discovered that labelling children as gifted and talented makes a negative difference to their sense of self, resulting in low self-esteem. Children who were labelled by parents suffered more emotional problems than their equally gifted but unlabelled peers. James (2007), draws our attention to the fact that many parents may be controlling and demanding, claiming that the child becomes fixated with fulfilling parental goals in an attempt to minimise conflict. He explains that high achievement is often a consequence of over parental pressurisation in childhood that often leads to self-criticism and depression in later years. Quart (2006), supports this view and concludes that parents and educators should refrain from pushing children to succeed. She issues a cautionary warning that the pressure placed on the gifted and talented can lead to emotional regrets of being deprived of a childhood. For some who were placed on, a pedestal form an early age reach adulthood and realize they are no longer quite so special. Freeman(2010b), leads us to believe that the media is only interested when things go wrong, and in fact many gifted and talented children go on to lead happy ordinary lives. She states that parents should support and guide children without pushing them to succeed and love should be unconditional and not reliant on achievement. To conclude, Gardners theories offer practitioners a model for providing a rich and challenging environment for all children, including those who are gifted and talented. Practitioners need comprehensive training to ensure that planning for learning provides challenges to guarantee children are challenged and stretched, not, bored and pushed. It also Emotional difficulties are more likely to occur when a child is labelled gifted and talented. Therefore, parents and educational practitioners should aim to ensure that an identified gifted and talented child grows into a happy, well-rounded adult. More collaboration is needed between Foundation and Key Stage One. In fact, it would be beneficial to children if the EYFS were continued in Year One. Through this research, a greater insight into the term gifted and talented has been obtained. It offered differing perspectives on the subject, and the conclusion reached was that there is actually a place in society for the gifted and talented, however, identification and education should be undertaken with care and sensitivity. In the words of Benjamin Franklin, Hide not your talents. They for use were made. Whats a sundial in the shade? Franklin(1706 1790)

Friday, October 25, 2019

Tragedy of Alcibiades in Platos Symposium Essay -- Philosophy Religio

The Tragedy of Alcibiades in Plato's Symposium In Symposium, a selection from The Dialogues of Plato, Plato uses historical allusions to demonstrate Alcibiades’ frustration with both social expectations for the phallus and his inability to meet these expectations. Alcibiades’ inability to have a productive sexual relationship effectively castrates him and demonstrates the impotence caused by an overemphasis on eroticism. The tragedy of Alcibiades is that he realizes he is unable to gain virtue through sexual relationships and will therefore be forced to remain mortal, yet he is unable to alter his condition. Symposium is set during a festival for Dionysus, the goddess of fertility; this setting emphasizes the sexual expectations of society that Alcibiades must confront. During fertility festivals, "the Athenians would carry phalluses around the city in ribald celebration" (Rudall 5);1 the phallus in Athens was a symbol of both fertility and eroticism. The Athenians, concerned with the potential extinction of the human race, performed rituals during these festivals that celebrated the phallus as the means of the reproduction of human life. Thus, heterosexual relationships were justified by the creation of children, and the focus of the celebration of the phallus was its productive nature. This focus on productivity created a social expectation that sexual relationships should be productive. Thus, the partygoers in Symposium have gathered during a festival celebrating the fertility and productivity of heterosexual relationship to attempt to justify their homosexual relationships by eulogizing Eros. Since heterosexual relationships were justified by the production of children, a justification of homosexual relationships woul... ...s was married to Hipparete, daughter of Hipponicus, and had at least one son by her; however, the couple lived separately for most of their wedded life and Hipparete even attempted to divorce Alcibiades. Alcibiades also unsuccessfully attempted to have a productive sexual relationship by impregnating Timaea, the wife of Agis, so that his descendants would become kings of the Lacedaemonians, but Agis realized that the son was not his and subsequently refused the royal succession. (Gregory R. Crane (ed.), The Perseus Project: Plutarch, http://www.perseus.tufts. edu/cgi-bin/text?lookup=plut.+alc.+8.1&vers=english;loeb&browse=1, December 1999). 5. While the exact relation of the dates of these two events is unknown, it is also unimportant. What is relevant is the relationship that Plato perceived them as having, and he likely believed them to have occurred within days.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Is life in prison without parole better than the death penalty? Essay

This is it, this is the last time you will ever see daylight again. The dim light of the outside world seems to be overtaken by shadows. You squeeze your eyes shut, and then everything goes dark. That is the death penalty. What exactly is the death penalty? In the dictionary, it is defined as, â€Å"the sentence of death upon a person by the state as a punishment for an offense. † What the death penalty itself serves is retribution and revenge. Many believe that this is the right way to punish criminals in society, although there are many faults with capital punishment as well. Those faults consist of errors in the system, state costs, and the risks of executions of innocent people. Life in prison without parole is better than the death penalty where the death penalty is the foundation in injustice and it is immoral. People supporting the death penalty often argue that capital punishment is required not only for retributive reasons but rather to prevent the taking of innocent lives. Cass R. Sunstein, Professor of Law at Harvard University Law School, and Adrian Vermeule, another professor at Harvard Law School said â€Å"A leading national study suggests that each execution prevents some eighteen murders on average. † What my question is, how does taking away a criminals life prevent a life of an innocent being taken away? Killing a culprit does not prevent murders from happening, because there are still killers outside of jail. Death row does not prevent homicide happening in the outside world. The death penalty is no more effective in deterring others than life sentences. Life without parole also prevents reoffending. It means what it says, spending the rest of your life locked up, knowing you’ll never be free. Leading up to my next point, life without parole costs less than the death penalty. The death penalty is much more expensive than life without parole. It requires a long process for capital cases, which is needed in order to make sure that innocent individuals are not executed for crimes they did not commit. If the death penalty was replaced with a sentence of life without parole, which costs millions of dollars less, a lot of money could be saved  for useful necessities. The millions of dollars could be spent on education, roads, programs, and more. Capital punishment is time consuming and expensive than the typical crime cases. Speaking of the innocent, my next point, an innocent person serving life can be released from death row. The system can make tragic mistakes. According to the editorial â€Å"There is No ‘Humane’ Execution†, since 1973, 139 people have been released from death row because they were proven innocent said by the Death Penalty Information Center. We’ll never know for sure how many people have been executed for crimes they didn’t commit. DNA is rarely available in homicides, often irrelevant and can’t guarantee we won’t execute innocent people. A number of innocent people have had to been put to death, which contradicts with the true meaning of justice. Leading to my final point, that capital punishment is immoral and is foundation of injustice. It is barbaric that people siding with capital punishment consider it moral. If anything, death penalty contradicts the true meaning of justice. In the article â€Å"Is Life in Prison without Parole a Better Option than Death Penalty? † John P. Conrad, former Chief of Center for Crime Prevention and Rehabilitation at the National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice said â€Å"I hold that the execution of the most contemptible murderer conflicts with the true functions of retributive justice- the repudiation of evil done and the prospective reconciliation of the criminal with the community he has wronged. † Capital punishment is immoral and unfair and discriminatory in practice. No one deserves to die. In civilized society, we reject the principle of literally doing to criminals what they do to their victims. For instance, if the culprit’s crime was rape, his punishment cannot literally be rape. We shouldn’t punish the murderer with death. Capital punishment shows what an uncivilized and immoral society we are. The sentence of capital punishment is a barbaric action for punishment a criminal. Murder is unacceptable by society, yet people seem to approve killing criminals. Sentencing a criminal to death does not solve the questions and problems left behind, it just creates controversy. Capital punishment is wrongly practiced and immoral and the wrong way to punish criminals. Life in prison without parole is a much better option, whereas capital punishment is just a way to seek revenge on the individual who would rather have the darkness of a solitary than not to see the dark at all.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Level Operations

Level Operations, small company located in Pennsylvania, manufacturers a variety of security devices and safes. Several different models of safes (S7-S8-S9-S1-S2) are available for purchase and due to increased demand the production facility has been enlarged to accommodate the additional production needs. Production manager Stephanie Cole must determine the best production quantity per cycle for each day of the week. She understands that partially completed safes are not permitted (each cycle must turn out finished cycles). Stephanie consulted the engineering department; they have determined the best production sequence is S7-S8-S9-S1-S2.Stephanie must comprehend the large picture of production demand in order to ensure the product availability to meet the needed demand. The ultimate goal should be a balanced operation system. One that makes the process time as short as possible, eradicate disruptions and eliminate waste (excess inventory)(Stevenson,2012). Stephanie was given weekly quantity demands; she must first break those numbers down to daily production demands, determine the number of cycles to run daily, and how many of each safe model to produce in any given cycles as shown in Figure 1. The cycle time should be set to equal the takt time.Takt time is defined as â€Å"the cycle time needed to match customer demand for final products† (Stevenson, 2012). By only running three cycles per day, the company is producing fewer inventories. Additionally, the company is practicing lean production techniques by not allowing work-in-process inventory (reducing carry costs and space requirements) and lot sizes are small; yielding the similar benefits but also exhibiting better quality control and minimal inspection time if errors do arise. Stephanie has determined the best production quantity per cycle for each day of the week (Figure 2).Figure 3 forecasts the quantity demanded versus the quantity supplied over the five week time frame. Model S8 and S9 are showing excessive inventories. However, by using a lean flexible production system Stephanie has the ability to decrease the units made during each cycle. By waiting to decrease the units per cycle till the later weeks in the production timeline; Stephanie is eliminating waste, and reducing the possibility of bottlenecks effects in the starting days of production. All other models are meeting their target numbers creating zero excessive inventories.